2 Evanshen Crescent, Kanata, ON K2K 2X8
Chabad of Kanata is a non-profit organization that provides educational, communal and social services to the Jewish community in Kanata. Chabad of Kanata’s mission is to make Jewish learning and tradition accessible and meaningful to every Jew in the community, regardless of background or affiliation.
Connect With Us
Rabbi Michoel Gershzon, Rabbi and Executive Director, rabbi@jewishkanata.org, (613) 668-2770
Miriam Gershzon, Program Director, bmc@jewishkanata.org, (613) 850-5448
Click on the thumbnails to check out other Synagogues Below!

Adath Shalom Congregation
http://adath-shalom.ca31 Nadolny Sachs Private, Ottawa, ON K2A 1R9

Chabad of Centrepointe
http://chabadcentrepointe.com23 Palisade Street, Nepean, ON K2G 5M6

Congregation Beit Tikvah of Ottawa
https://cbto.ca15 Chartwell Avenue, Ottawa, ON K2G 4K3
Centrepointe/Craig Henry

Congregation Lubavitch
https://chabadottawa.ca889 Lady Ellen Place, PO Box 35070, Ottawa, ON K1Z 1A2

Kehillat Beth Israel
https://kehillatbethisrael.com1400 Coldrey Avenue, Ottawa, ON K1Z 7P9

Temple Israel of Ottawa
https://templeisraelottawa.ca1301 Prince of Wales Drive, Ottawa, ON K2C 1N2

Young Israel of Ottawa
https://youngisraelottawa.ca/1762 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, ON K2A 2H7