166 Huron Ave N. Ottawa, ON K1Y 1C1
Wellington West
The Chabad Jewish Centre of Wellington West is a home where everyone is welcome – regardless of affiliation, level of knowledge or observance. We strive to create a warm and welcoming environment to explore and experience our heritage in a non-judgemental and inviting environment.
Instagram @JEWISH_WW
Facebook @CHABADWW
Rabbi Moshe Caytak, (613) 902-4394
Mrs. Sheina Caytak, (613) 604-8242
Click on the thumbnails to check out other Synagogues Below!

Adath Shalom Congregation
http://adath-shalom.ca31 Nadolny Sachs Private, Ottawa, ON K2A 1R9

Chabad of Centrepointe
http://chabadcentrepointe.com23 Palisade Street, Nepean, ON K2G 5M6

Congregation Beit Tikvah of Ottawa
https://cbto.ca15 Chartwell Avenue, Ottawa, ON K2G 4K3
Centrepointe/Craig Henry

Congregation Lubavitch
https://chabadottawa.ca889 Lady Ellen Place, PO Box 35070, Ottawa, ON K1Z 1A2

Kehillat Beth Israel
https://kehillatbethisrael.com1400 Coldrey Avenue, Ottawa, ON K1Z 7P9

Temple Israel of Ottawa
https://templeisraelottawa.ca1301 Prince of Wales Drive, Ottawa, ON K2C 1N2

Young Israel of Ottawa
https://youngisraelottawa.ca/1762 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, ON K2A 2H7