High School

High School in Ottawa
The Yeshiva High School of Ottawa (previously Ottawa Torah Institute & Machon Sarah) is an inspected private school under the Ontario Ministry of Education. Their graduates earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), and have moved on to some of the finest Universities, Yeshivas, and Seminaries in the world.

Yeshiva High School of Ottawa
Grade 9 to Grade 12
http://yhso.caFor over 40 years, Ottawa Torah Institute Orthodox High School for Boys and Machon Sarah Orthodox High School for Girls provided for the educational needs of the Ottawa Jewish community. In 2022, these successful schools formally amalgamated with Torah Day School elementary school, to form a stronger K-12 system. The high school division of Torah Day School is now called Yeshiva High School of Ottawa, and has both boys’ and girls’ divisions.
Yeshiva High School of Ottawa stands for excellence in both Judaic and Secular studies by providing stimulating and interactive Judaic Studies classes as well as a comprehensive Secular Studies program leading to an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). Our dynamic, caring and warm Rabbis and teachers are committed to the personal growth and well-being of each student.
Connect With Us
OTI Office, ottawatorah@gmail.com
Rabbi Michael Fine, Rabbi, rabbit.fine@torahday.ca
1119 Lazard Street, Ottawa, ON K2C 2R5